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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Me

Many times I find myself in a unique position.  Let me say, I am not the leading authority on child rearing. Lord knows I’ve made my share of mistakes.  Yet, time and again, a friend or two will ask me for advice as it relates to their child or children.  A few times because of the complexity of the situation I find myself asking why me.  I have come to the realization, why not me.  I’ve said this before, I consider myself to be a really tough mother and if a friend who knows that still believe that I can offer something to them that can help them make a difficult decision then I welcome that.   It took me years to learn this but in order to give sound advice you must first be a good listener.  And listening is what I do best.  So to all of you who have shared with me over the years, thank you for trusting me and I hope through these conversations I am able to do for others what you have allowed me to do for you.

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