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Sunday, January 16, 2011

So Soon

So Soon...
I was not expecting to address this issue so soon but twice I was watching the new talk show, The Talk and they were addressing parenting and children misbehaving.  There must be an epidemic because I have seen time and time again a parent succumb to the screams and tantrums of an unruly child.  How many of you have seen the child screaming in the supermarket or at the movie theatre, telling a parent that he or she wants this or that and then throwing him or herself on the floor crying? I am so tried of this scene.  When are parents going to act as parents, the adult, the people in charge of setting limits and disciplining their child or children? I dare say that you have given your power away when the only thing you can do to get that child to stop acting a fool is to buy that child what he or she wants. Your child doesn’t need another trinket. His or her room is an absolutely mess with that stuff that more than likely he or she will never play with after day one. Furthermore, you can’t get that child to clean up his or her room.   Enough is enough. Tell him or her no and mean it.  When I was a child no meant no, and you understood that the first time. Another thing that really bothers me is the parent who makes excuses for their child or children.  Are you for real? How do you make the same excuses for a child 7, 8, and 9 (and even older) that you made when they were 4, 5, and 6? STOP!!!  You are doing a disservice to your child or children. Stop saying, “oh he’s tired” or “she’s hungry.”   Children need clear rules and consistency.  Trust me they don’t want wishy-washy parents.   Above all, discipline in love.  It is the key ingredient to raising healthy and happy children in this 21st century.  Parents, remember we are still the priest, provider, and protector of our children. 

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